Marketing Advertising

What are the first steps in the Ionco Advertising Campaign?

Welcome to Ionco Marketing Advertising! Please read our Marketing Advertising system carefully and learn how to create an Ionco Advertising user account, how to start your new Advertising Campaign, how to apply promotional methods for the Advertising Campaign, how to create a Advertising Campaign and how to determine the cost of your Advertising Campaign ad.


Before you start using the Ionco Advertising Service, please provide us with your data in the most accurate and transparent manner possible so that we can contact you, (avoid errors created by you), or use the Ionco Advertising Service in good condition.

Activating the Ionco Advertising user account

If you have an Ionco user account and want to use the Ionco Advertising Service to promote your business, you need to provide us with the following sensitive data, for example:

  1. have an active user account,

  2. have a valid username,

  3. have a valid user password,

  4. have a valid home address,

  5. have a valid phone number,

  6. have a valid email address,

  7. have a valid site domain name,

  8. accept all Ionco Terms and Conditions.

Content is taken from the Advertising Terms & Conditions tab.

Ionco Advertising is ready to provide maximum support in (24 hours PM or AM).

Breach of Terms

Violation of your refusal to comply with all of the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Ionco Advertising Service on your part may result in the blocking of the Ionco Advertising Campaign activation agreement, you will no longer be able to initiate Advertisements for your business and Very serious abuse can lead to the deletion of the Ionco user account and all Products and Services associated with it.

  • Your username is incomplete.

  • Your company name is incomplete.

  • The URL of your site is a registered subdomain.

  • Your site URL is incomplete or not a valid registered domain name.

  • The text ad is not written in capital letters and is not relevant to your Company's business.

  • Your contact address does not exist or is incomplete.

  • Violation of all Ionco Advertising Terms and Privacy Policy.

Content is taken from the Advertising Terms & Conditions tab.

Want help with Ionco Advertising Service?

To learn more about the Ionco Advertising Service, please visit the Help Advertising page. Here you will find answers to your questions, tips and information described in more detail about all the conditions for participating in the Ionco Advertising Service.

What is the Ionco CPC Advertising Campaign?

The Ionco CPC Advertising Campaign (cost-per-click) is a click-through rate tool used by a user and the value of a click set in your Ionco Advertising contract that you signed before starting the Ionco Advertising Campaign. When users enter a keyword in the Ionco search box and your ad is relevant to the searched word, then your ad will appear on the right side of the page and at the bottom of the page in the search results. One-click cost will be (€ 0.50 per click) and in this case you will only pay when users click on your ad.

How is CPC cost calculated?

The cost of the Ionco CPC Advertising Campaign (cost-per-click) is calculated based on the amount you paid from the start of the Ionco Advertising Campaign until the term set out in the contract, or the amount paid by you and the total number of clicks an ad in a given period of time.

What is the Ionco CPM Advertising Campaign?

The Ionco CPM Advertising Campaign (per thousand impressions) is a charging tool for a displayed ad and the value of an ad set out in your Ionco Advertising Contract that you signed before the Ionco Advertising Campaign began. The cost of a display ad is (€ 0.10 per display) and you will only pay when our Ionco Advertising system automatically triggers your display ad on your device.

How is CPM cost calculated?

The cost of the Ionco CPM Advertising Campaign (per thousand impressions) is calculated based on the amount paid by you from the start date of the Ionco Advertising Campaign to the term set in the contract, or the amount paid by you and the total number of impressions of an ad. in a given period of time.


To use the Ionco Advertising Service, please read the Ionco Advertising Service Terms & Conditions, as well as Help Advertising to avoid errors and eliminate any inconvenience on your part before you start using the Ionco Advertising Service.

Payment options for the Ionco Advertising Campaign

Payment options allow you to decide for yourself how much you want to pay and what you want to pay for, pay according to the type of Advertising Campaign you have opted for, or pay for the time period you set for your Campaign to run. Ionco Advertising.

By using the Ionco Advertising Service, you can select the payment amount according to your preferences, for example:

  • minimum daily payment amount for the Ionco Advertising Campaign,

  • minimum monthly payment for the Ionco Advertising Campaign,

  • minimum payment amount per year for the Ionco Advertising Campaign.

Activation of the Advertising Campaign is done after payment processing (within 24 hours PM or AM).

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