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What is money?
Usually to this day money has remained a form of exchange in several currencies or a form of payment with physical cash in hand, with money on a debit or credit card, check tab and now digital currencies have appeared, which can whether or not they are controlled by central entities such as banks.

Market research. All investors have access to useful information to analyze our project, what is the degree of risk for their investments but also what are their opportunities to get benefits with investments in this project. The idea of doing this project in (web3) came after a well done market study four years ago, that the crypto market has accumulated more than 800 billion dollars, that people have adopted virtual currencies as a means of payment, that investors are using platforms..

Block Explorer
Ionco has made an upgrade for the operation, scanning and visualization of an instance of the Block Explorer software in the Browser.

Play station code 20
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Web developer
Ionco website is a web developer that offers a wide variety of products and services for users, and we want to constantly expand to develop new quality products and services.
