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Internal Rules

Internal rules for posts on Ionco Product Forums

Lesson 1.

  • Create and post relevant topics on an Ionco Product Forum.
  • If you have questions about another Ionco Product that you would like to discuss, please visit the Product Forum.
  • Choose a topic that refers to the Product Forum to find the answer easier and participate in it.
  • Post relevant topics on the Forum for the question or discussion you are answering and that interests you personally.
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Lesson 2.

  • If you can't find a topic on the Forum, you can start a new topic that interests you the most.
  • In order to remove errors from the Ionco Forums, we have decided that for posts that are not relevant to the topics of that Forum may result in the removal of posts.
  • When creating new topics, write them very clearly so that they can be found by all users in the search functions of the Forum.
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Lesson 3.

  • Only capitalize topics and enter important URLs, and in the case of posts that are overly content with URLs, they will be removed.
  • For your own safety, please do not enter sensitive information, for example: email, password, card details that you do not want to allow access to.
  • Please be careful when choosing to contact users or when you are contacted by users online.
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