
Payments & Cards

  Posted: July 01, 2014

  Edited: March 14, 2022


Introduction to Electronic Commerce on the Ionco website

Regarding E-Commerce on the Ionco website, we would like to inform you of the following provisions, for example Ionco does not encourage users to trade, or use Ionco Products and Services. The buyer has the option of full choice to express his prior consent for the choice made by himself.

Ionco will provide users with information and security measures for the Ionco Products and Services you wish to use through its transparency.

Terms of trade for Ionco Products and Services

Contacting customers (within a maximum of 48 hours) from the date of payment of the payment invoice, with confirmation from us, for putting and taking possession of the Products and Services purchased by you for their use in good condition.

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Ionco guarantees

Dear users, according to the Ionco Terms and Privacy Policy, we would like to inform you of the following provisions, for example Ionco does not want to be held responsible for identity theft, for people who have suffered financial damage, for people who make payment with the Card online in order to take possession of a Product or Service. Ionco is required by strict regulations and does not want to be involved in lawsuits and such damaging expenses.

The Ionco website provides the Border Police with access to our database, based on a legal order, to identify and arrest the perpetrator(s) who committed acts of cyber violence, identity theft, fraud, financial damage.

As a result of all these illegal acts, the persons concerned will be punished according to the laws in force.

In the best case, Ionco may make available to you on the basis of the agreement concluded, in accordance with the Ionco Terms and Privacy Policy, the resumption of the Service for its use.

Content extracted from Ionco Terms & Conditions.

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PayPal payment system

The Ionco site has implemented the PayPal payment system on its product and services pages. Certain types of products and services can be used only after the card payment has been made. The PayPal payment system ensures the security and privacy of the user when making the payment by online card in accordance with the PayPal Terms and Privacy Policy.

Content extracted from Ionco Terms & Conditions.

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What types of cards does PayPal support?

For card payments, the PayPal payment system accepts the following Card types, for example: (Maestro, Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express).

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Terms of Use for Ionco Products and Services

The PayPal payment system is implemented for the Ionco Advertising Product. If you want to use an Ionco Product and it requires a form of payment, you must first make the payment by card through the PayPal payment system and then take possession of that Product.

PayPal payment options

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How do you take possession of Ionco Products and Services?

If you want to use an Ionco Product and it comes with a form of payment, you must first fill in the payment form for that Product, after making your payment with your card you will receive an e-mail that the payment has been successfully accepted. Simultaneously with your notification from PayPal, the Ionco website will also receive an e-mail from PayPal with all the details of the payment made by you that refer to that Product.

Ionco will make a thorough verification of this payment and based on this information received, you will be informed by Ionco by e-mail (within 48 hours) that all this information regarding your payment is correct, after which you will be able to take possession of the respective Product for its use.

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Disclosure of personal identity and security of the Card on the Internet

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The loss was the theft of the Card

If your Card has been lost, your Card or Pin code has been stolen by a malicious person, please contact the Bank where you opened your Bank account immediately. Use the telephone support numbers indicated in this Agreement that belong to you or the telephone numbers listed on the Card. The person in question may also notify the Bank by written notice requesting the blocking of access to the Bank Account by Card.

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